Profit on PLS Savigns Account

Hurrah! Yet another milestone by State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on advising Banks to give profit rate on average monthly balance to its customers maintaining Profit & Loss Sharing (PLS) or Savings account in Pak Rupee. Since last decade SBP has been playing the very role of, or atleast trying to, Central Bank in the economy. It has brought many reforms pertaining to the Banking generally and depositors particularly. Before Dr. Shamshad Akhtar , the 14th Governor of State Bank of Pakistan, Banks used to give profit on saving account not more than 2-3 percent. Thanks to her, she gave order to the all Banks in the country to give profit no less then 6% p.a. If you're not shrewed, you're not supposed to be a Banker - A saying very common. Realizing the jump of 3-4 percent on deposit cost, Bankers found a way to curtail the cost. They decided to adhere with the State Bank policy - Which they're supposed to - and at the same time cut cost by saying, Okay we'l...