Entrepreneurship Trail

Spark is the name of the event organized by IBA Entrepreneurial Society, which has started today and it will last till June 29, 2011. This event consists of address of Distinguished speakers and trainers from Pakistan and around world, obviously via 'Skype.'  Some of them are Mr. Naeem Zafar, Umar Saif, and many more address in the coming two days.

The day-1 started with the Tilawaat of Quran. After the recitation, IBA Entrepreneurship Center head formally announced the conference open with short speech of welcoming guests, participants and organizers.

Mr. Naeem Zafar, an Engineer, Entrepreneur by an accident as he defined,  and writer of many books delivered his speech on the topic of 'Entrepreneurship.' I loved the definition of entrepreneurship he told, which is: "It is the pursuit of an opportunity with resources that you don't yet control." Look at the beautiful and motivational words in the definition, which you don't yet control. One need to understand Entrepreneurship is not attached with resources that you own but it is the pursuance of wealth that you don't own. 

After that it was time to make network while having hot tea.

Now it was time to move for Penal discussion, the panelists consisted of Mr. Azhar Rizvi, Mr. Husnain Khalid, IBA Entrepreneur Center Head and Mr. Rehan Allahwala who joined from Singapore via Skype. There was hot discussion whether Entrepreneurs are  born are made? Although it is very controversial subject, but I believe Entrepreneurs can be made by giving them environment, education and training.

Sumair Abro, VP and Head of Organizational Strategy KASB Securities came on stage with tons of energy. He was very energetic and young guy who not only delivered lecture on entrepreneurship but also energized all of the participants.

At the end we were blessed with the lecture of the LUMS graduate who had studied and worked in US but returned to the Pakistan with the intention of creating value for the society by means of being an Entrepreneur. His journey of success isn't simple rather he ran two businesses - Bumpin.com and chopaal.pk - with loss.

At the end what I have learned is that Business graduate must be job giver rather than job taker, that's how we can get true spirit of business student and create value for the economy.


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